HOW THE NEW PNW CUP SCORES SPREADSHEET WORKS The spreadsheet we've been using for tracking PNW Cup scores for the last seven years was very awkward when it came to dealing with scores from multi-ops as all the details were stored in comments attached to each M/O's score. This made it somewhat tedious for the club Cup Coordinators to check them and it was very easy to make mistakes. As these comments don't show at all in the pdf versions of the spreadsheet it was not possible for any club member to see what her contribution was and whether or not it was allocated to the correct club. In other words, the system lacked transparency. The new spreadsheet provides this transparency (without, I hope, creating new problems). Here's how it works. As before, there's a sheet for each club and one which shows totals for all clubs. They look pretty much the same as before. What's new is that every multi-op gets their own sheet. The W7IV sheet will be used as an example. Before getting into it, though, a brief refresher of the PNW Cup rules regarding multi-op station ownership will be helpful. Suppose a M/O had 2 ops who were members of at least one of the PNW Clubs and 5 who weren't. If the station owner is not a PNW member then each of the two PNW Club members gets a pro rata share (1/7) of the score. This is because it would be totally unreasonable for 1 PNW member to go to a non-member M/O who churned out 10M points and be able to allocate all of them to the member's club. If, with the same ops, the station owner is a PNW member then the non- members are ignored and each PNW Club member gets a pro rata share (1/2) of the score. This is because, as the competition is among PNW member stations, it doesn't matter who the operators are. However, as PNW ops get to allocate their share of the total score to whichever club they want we have to calculate what that share is. Why should the ops get to choose where their share of the points go instead of the station owner simply allocating them all to his club? Because it was agreed by all clubs some years ago that it would be good for contesting in general if ops could visit other clubs' M/O stations and still have their contribution go to their home club if they want them to. Otherwise they might very well choose to stay home. Back to the W7IV M/O sheet. The sheet shows, for each contest, whether or not the M/O station owner is a member of a PNW club, call used if different from station call, raw score as reported to 3830, call of each op who is a PNW club member and which club to allocate his points to, and call of each non- member. This makes it very easy for anyone to check that the right data is in there and that their points went to the right club. It also calculates and shows the number of points each op gets to allocate and the total points allocated to each club. So, looking at CQ WW SSB on the W7IV sheet we see: W7IV was not a member of any PNW Club (Orca wasn't part of the PNW competition at that time). They operated using the call N7BT. Their total score was 2,259,062. All of the ops are listed as non-PNW ops except for N7RO who was a member of the BCDX Club. So he's listed as the only PNW op. Beside his call, in the Club ID column, is the number 1. This shows that his points are to be allocated to the BCDX Club. (The club codes are shown to the left of the Points Allocation table at the bottom of the sheet.) The sheet shows that there's 1 PNW op and 7 non-PNW ops and that the total points will be shared by 8 ops which results in 282,383 points/op. So the Points Allocation table shows N7RO's 282,383 points going to BCDXC and the rest don't get allocated to any club. If W7IV had, at that time, been a member of one of the PNW Clubs then, according to the rules, the non-PNW members would be ignored and all 2.2M points would be shared between N7RO and W7IV to be allocated as they chose. All the other M/O sheets work the sme way. Now look at the Orca Club sheet. There are 5 things which are different to how the club sheets used to look. They are: 1. The body of the sheet does not show any M/O scores. 2. Just above the Total Orca row there's a new row called MULTI OPS. For each contest, the number in this row is the total of all M/O points which have been allocated to Orca by all M/O stations. 3. The number in the Total Orca row for a particular contest is now the sum of all the single op points for that contest as shown on the club sheet and the number in the MULTI OPS row. 4. M/O stations are identified as M/O for reasons which will become apparent shortly. 5. Similarly, club members who operated at a M/O station are shown as, for example, @VE7UF The main purpose of this reorganization is to make how the scores are arrived at totally transparent to any member. It has the side benefit of somewhat automating the process of determining points allocations for the club Cup Coordinators. It has the disadvantage of requiring a lot more sheets to display all the data. Well, this is to be expected. More detail requires more sheets to put it on and more pages of explanation. So, if you want to know: Which Orca members were at W7IV M/O for CQ WPX RTTY? Look on the Orca club sheet for all ops identified as @W7IV. KW7XX, N7BT, N7RO, VE7YBH, W7SSO Which Orca members were running a M/O in ARRL CW? Look on the Orca club sheet for all ops in ARRL CW identified as M/O Just VA7DZ. Why are no Orca members shown as operating @VA7DZ? Look at the VA7DZ M/O sheet. The only op besides VA7DZ wasn't an Orca member. Why are there no entries on the Orca club sheet for VE7FO? After all, he does seem to do some contesting. This one isn't at all obvious when looking at the Orca club sheet. This is because VE7FO allocates his points to the BCDX club, of which he is also a member. If you look at the BCDXC club sheet you will see him there @VE7UF. How could Orca have possibly made as many M/O points in CQ WPX RTTY as shown on the Orca sheet? Look at the sheet to see which members were M/O VE7UF, W7IV Look at the VE7UF M/O sheet Check 3830 to see if the total score was entered correctly Check 3830 to see if the operator list is correct. The list on 3830 might be wrong as the person submitting the score might not have included all the operators. If VE7UF wasn't a PNW club member you would also check that all those shown as PNW ops were actually members of at least one PNW club. Do the same with the W7IV sheet. Okay, okay - probably no one's ever going to do this. Still, in the spirit of transparency, the possibility has to be allowed for. I operated at the NK7U M/O in the ARRL CW contest. Did my share of the points get allocated to the right club? Look at the NK7U M/O sheet. In the past, members couldn't do any of these things as the info was all entered as comments on the Excel spreadsheet. When converted to pdf for publication on club websites these comments become inaccessible. I hope that this description answers any questions you might have as to how the PNW Cup scores are calculated. Please let me know if there's anything which needs clarification. 73, Jim Smith VE7FO